Hearth & Home for Veterans

Hearth & Home for Veterans

We are an OHIO-based 501(C)(3) CHARITY committed to helping U.S. Veterans, as well as their widows to reduce homelessness and promote long-term – Home Care.

This is our flagship program, dedicated to providing Veterans with a safe home of their own. Working in conjunction with community Land Banks, we use local contractors and volunteers to remodel abandoned houses and make them a home. We then select a homeless Veteran to reside in the home—however, this is not a handout. The program requires the Veteran to enroll in programming designed to get them back on their feet. RWV will  help them by introducing them to resources to help them with issues such as their finances, health, or credit. For five years, the Veteran will pay rent on the home—which can be subsidized through Section Eight. After the five years, the Veteran will have the opportunity to purchase the home at up to 50% of the market value.  Unlike other homeless geared programs, we help furnish it with necessities, such as furniture and basic needs. Providing these Veterans with not just a roof over their head, but the dignity of having their own safe space to live. 

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